Saxion Library has an extensive book collection, consisting of printed as well as electronic books (e-books).
If you want to know whether a particular book is available in the Saxion Library collection and where to find it, or if you are looking for a book on a particular subject, you can use our Discovery tool and/or the Saxion Catalogue. This allows you to search the entire book collection.
With the Discovery tool you can perform an integrated search through the entire (printed and digital) book collection of Saxion Library.
Use the pull-down menu at Search for search options discovery or catalogue:
Through the Saxion Library catalogue ( you can search for all books and journals in the library.
In the catalogue you can search by title, author and keyword. The catalogue can be accessed everywhere. In the library there are computers at the that are exclusively intended for searching in the catalogue. There are also specific and generic databases in which you can find information, often fulltext articles.
With the Discovery trool search you can search for e-books that are available full text via Saxion Library. However, you cannot find them all: Saxion Library has licenses for several databases offering, next to e-journals, also full text e-books. As not all databases can be searched with the Discovery tool you will have to search some databases separately. First search on your topic and then look in the left column under source types to see if there are e-books on this topic. For this topic water, there appear to be 27 e-books present
Google Books is the Google online search engine that searches the internet to offer digitized books full-text.
It provides access to older books where copyright no longer applies, and thanks to collaborative initiatives by publishers and libraries, also more recent and sometimes new books are fully available online.
You can search Google Books using title words, but also with words from the text of the books. The table of contents of most books is available so you can easily check whether a book is suitable for your purpose or not.
For more information: How to use Google Books>>
If a document (book, report or journal article) is not available at SaxionLibrary, you can use the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service. Documents will then be requested for you from an external library.
Students rates are €5 per book or article (1-10 pages, €0.50 per additional page)
The service is offered free of charge to Saxion staff.
Please send your request via email to
Make sure to mention your approval of the request charges and where you would like to pick up a requested book