Brock Library. (2014, 2 sept.). What is plagiarism and how to avoid it? [video].
Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into your work without full acknowledgement.
You have copied a segment from an article or a newspaper report and you forget to refer to the source. Although this happened accidentally, it remains plagiarism. So you are responsible.
Not everything is plagiarism. Some things are generally known and it is not (or no longer) clear who the creator/inventor is. For example: "The earth rotates around its own axis in 24 hours."
This idea is so general that you do not have to mention whoever discovered that the earth rotates around its axis in 24 hours.
In doubt whether something is general knowledge? Always refer to the source!
Cutting and pasting from the Internet without clear acknowledgement
Information derived from the Internet (webpages) must be adequately referenced and included in the bibliography. It is important to carefully evaluate all material found on the Internet, as it is less likely to have been through the same process of scholarly peer review as published sources.
You can prevent plagiarism! Be alert, always!
When writing, think carefully about which ideas are your own, which ideas are general knowledge, and which ideas you borrow. Should you happen to use someone else's material, always mention the source provided with a reference.
See also: References
Copyright is a legal right, existing globally in many countries, that basically grants the creator of an original work exclusive rights to determine and decide whether, and under what conditions, this original work may be used by others. Copyright is a form of intellectual property pertaining to certain forms of creative work.
On the website of the Netwerk Auteursrechten informatiepunten you can find information around copyright.
If you have any questions or issues regarding copyright, publishing or the APA guidelines, please contact the Copyright Information Point of Saxion (AIP).
You must respect the rights of the creator. If you want to use someone else's ideas, you must have permission to do so. Copyright protects the way in which something is expressed. It does not protect ideas.
Sometimes you automatically have permission to (re)use a source if you clearly state the ownership of the idea. For example:
Note! Copyright also applies to images. For the use of images/pictures you also need the permission of the creator. And you have to mention the source by a reference.
Need to use an image but not sure if you have the legal and ethical right to do so? Check Images from internet a LibraryGuide made by Hanze University of Applied Sciences.
When you create a copyrighted work, you own a certain bundle of rights. These include the rights to copy, distribute, publicly perform, adapt (or make derivative works from), and license.
Your name (authorship) must be clearly mentioned in the text, but the use of the copyright sign © is not mandatory.
Many authors choose to release their material from copyright: everyone can use the material without needing to request permission. This form of information sharing is known as Creative Commons. Usually there are conditions attached. In any case, you must mention the source by means of a reference.
See: Creative Commons (international) or Creative Commons Nederland