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E-books in Saxion Library: Nice to know

Information about e-books in the collection of Saxion Library

Prevent plagiarism

Can you just take anything and incorporate it into your assignment or research?

NO! Whether it is text or images, video or sound clips, you must always state which resource you have used in your research. Even if you use something published as open access/resource. In fact your research should be able to be carried out by someone else using the same resources (you cited in your research).

Note: Platforms that offer e-books sometimes offer the service of how to cite an e-book. Often these are automatically generated citations. Always check that the citation matches the reference style and version used by Saxion. Avoid plagiarism by practicing correct source citation.


Zotero is a free open source tool that helps you collect, save, share and use references you have collected.

In the library guides: 

Zotero (Beknopt)

Zotero (Uitgebreid)

you can read how to install Zotero and which features there are.

Both library guides are only in Dutch, but in the library guide Zotero (Uitgebreid) under the tab 'e-learning' you can find a video in Englsh.

Extensive information in English you can find on Zotero.

Referencing and APA-guidelines

There are different reference styles to indicate which resources you have used. At Saxion, the APA style version 7 is the most commonly used one. To be sure, check which reference style is used in your study programme.

Iformation specialists of Saxion Library do not recommend using the “Insert Citation” option in Word. The output of this tool in Word is APA version 6.

Avoid plagiarism by practicing correct source citation.

Recommended resources about APA7

In the online edition of ' 'De APA-richtlijnen uitgelegd' (only in Dutch) you can always check in which way you have to mention the resource used.

There is library guide about the APA7 guidelines

You can watch the videos about APA 7.

This libguide was created by Saxion Library