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E-books in Saxion Library: Home

Information about e-books in the collection of Saxion Library


In this library guide, you will find additional information about e-books in the collection of Saxion Library.

The e-books in our collection are purchased from different platforms, such as EBSCO, ScienceDirect and Springlink or sometimes directly from the publisher.

The platforms represent hundreds of different publishers, each with their own set of rules when it comes to making them available. This makes it complicated to explain how to borrow e-books and what you are allowed to do with them. And within a platform, publishers may even have their own additional rules.

You can search for e-books within a platform, but you may also come across e-books to which Saxion Library doesn't hold a licence. The most convenient way is to search for e-books through the catalogue as this only shows e-books that are available to you.

To access e-books, you need to log in with your Saxion userID and password..

The Digital Library of Saxion Library is open 24/7. It doesn't matter whether you are studying in your room here in the Netherlands or on the other side of the world for your internship. You can find Saxion Library's regular opening hours under "Contact & Feedback".

This libguide was created by Saxion Library